Friday, December 7, 2012

New Blog!

I've decided it's time to create one of those "married people blogs" that everyone has now-a-days. I still plan on doing my cat blog, but as you can imagine, cat life has been slow (surprising, I know), so there's just not enough of my life in the blogosphere.

I'm not sure what all this blog will entail, since Zack and I are not so normal (because come on, who is?). We are very open people and are willing to share our strangeness with those interested. So I imagine there will be conversations, experiences, interesting thoughts, etc. There will probably be some cat-happenings as well. I hope that those of you who read this will find it entertaining, candid, and whatever else you feel it should be!

So without further adieu I shall share a short conversation from earlier today:
Zack: Do you think I can choke you with your hair?
Ashley: Probably.
Zack: Let's try it!
Ashley: Okay.
Ashley: Yup!


  1. I love how you guys can pull off the "A to Z" tagline! Very creative!

  2. Thanks Kylie! I'm really excited about it! I'm glad people like the name (you aren't the first person to tell me that they like it), I just hope people think the content of the blog is just as cool!

  3. Hahaha! I love it. So, I am assuming he wasn't successful since you lived to post about it?
    You should totally write about the 'awkward' things people are afraid to talk about. Because you are so open and honest, and heck EVERYONE wants to talk and read about it- but I think you could pull it off. =]

  4. Oh no, it worked. That's what the tiny "yup" is. Lol He just didn't follow through. :p

    I'm sure there will be some lovley posts on all THOSE kinds of topics hahahhaha! I can't wait to share!

    Glad to see you are enjoying the blog! If you ever have a question on one of THOSE kinds of topics, I'll gladly make a whole post out of it, just for you Mary!

  5. Lol I love the title. :) Oh married people blogs...;)
