Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I am not an elegant hedgehog

I woke up this morning and reached for my phone to check the time. It was about 8 am, a bit late for me, and I noticed a calendar notification. I rarely use my calendar app so I immediately checked it. BOOK CLUB. Dang-it! I totally forgot to read the book! I immediately got out of bed and grabbed my Kindle. Zack had already put the book on there for me when I told him about it a month ago, what was I even doing for a month!? I dove right in and started reading "The Elegance of the Hedgehog." I read right up until I had to leave for work, stuffed my kindle in my purse, and took off. I stole a few minutes of reading time in the parking lot before I had to teach. I have a really late class this week so I don't get home until about 7 pm. After teaching my class I got on the road as quickly as possible and got home with just enough time to heat up a can of soup and finish the book. I made it to book club only 1 minute after 8! Score! Book club was great, it always is. We talk about the book, our lives, and whatever else comes up. Then we eat a treat. Well, if you read my post about what a socially awkward idiot I am, you already know what's coming. Our host made a lovely pumpkin pie, I got about 4 bites in, and on my 5th it jumped off my plate onto my new skirt, my sweater, my hair, and both my hands. So embarrassing, so annoying, so typical me! I just can't be graceful! I'm now home in bed with the kitties, heated blanket, and space heater and ready to get some much needed rest. I can't do these late nights anymore! Ha!