Thursday, June 25, 2015

36 Week Check Up

I've been feeling uncomfortable for about a week and a half now and was really looking forward to my appointment. I had to push it back to Thursday due to an event at work, so it felt like forever! Ha

I'm 1&1/2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced! No wonder I've been feeling some pressure! Not only that, but my pelvis is really relaxing and it hurts to walk. Getting checked only made things worse! Eesh! Did I mention my back hurts too? Amazing how quickly things can change! It's all very exciting and scary!

After getting checked I had a busy day with work and some other things and now I'm happily laying on the couch with a belly full of Taco Bell! ;)

My shower is Saturday and I'm crazy excited! My friends have been working so hard and I know it's going to be so much fun!


  1. Love, love, love this! Soon Blob will undergo a name change (when the time is right, of course)

    1. Yes! It's going to happen so soon! I can't believe it!!!
