Saturday, July 26, 2014


Well I had my first massage today! The Nelsons had gotten us a gift certificate to get massages at this little place Cole really likes. It was an......experience. haha It was a hole-in-the-wall kind of place next to a Chinese food restaurant. The ladies didn't speak English very well and there were poles above the bed for them to hold onto and walk across your back. And there was this sign....*snicker*

After our massages we went to Firehouse Subs and I had a delicious cranberry and turkey sub.

The next day I was actually kind of sore! I thought Z would be but he just wanted me to rub him some more. That guy can never get enough rubbies. :p

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Manicure for a Baby Shower

((How adorable is this green?!))

My very pregnant and adorable friend Stephanie was in need of a mani-pedi for her baby shower and asked me to join her. I needed girl time so badly! It was so nice to be pampered and talk to an adult! I went to her baby shower the next day, which was adorable and fun. No weird games or any other awkwardness. Love it!

~*~ Cupcakes ~*~

Zack REALLY wanted some cupcakes, so we got to work in the kitchen! It was also the perfect excuse to use my new Pampered Chef Easy Accent Decorator ((which we LOVE)) that my mom just got for me at a PC party!


Friday, July 11, 2014


Yay for free Slurpee day!

We had to try several 7-11's, and this one only had one working flavor, but we got our Slurps!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"I Need a Snow Cone!"

All I've been saying for over a week now. Today I (finally) found the greatest snow cone place ever! It's called Bahama Bucks and isn't too far from our apartment! Mission accomplished!

(("Wedding Cake" flavored))